Scaling a Learning Management System at an organisational Level

Client: Internews Network
Year: 2022
Services: Design Research, Strategic Design, Service Design

This project involved scaling an existing Learning Management System (LMS) at an organisational level. This project was centered around enhancing and expanding the LMS to create an efficient and user-friendly learning environment for staff and Internews’ programs.

The first phase entailed an in-depth analysis of the existing LMS, focusing on its operations and user interface. This knowledge informed the creation of training materials to help teams better understand and utilise the system.

To ensure the successful implementation of the LMS at scale, the project also involved researching behaviours and trends within the organisation. The goal was to identify and amplify the aspects of the system that would garner the most usage and bring the most value.

To complement the LMS, additional tools and methods were developed. This was complemented by the creation of visual frameworks to aid in explaining how the system operates. These initiatives were repeatedly tested and iterated upon based on feedback from users, with a focus on co-creating methods to optimize system use.

The project demanded significant coordination between various stakeholders, including the LMS supplier, staff, and projects owners. This collaboration resulted in the development of a product roadmap outlining the current and future steps for the system's development.

Key to the project's success was a user-interface and user-experience redesign of the LMS. This redesign was informed by feedback from the organisations’ users, aiming to enhance ease of navigation and overall user experience.