What is Design Research?

Design Research is based on qualitative and empirical research methods borrowed from social sciences (especially ethnography) and developed by designers to enhance the design process. Design research methods include stakeholder mapping, data visualisation, personas, scenarios, role playing, empathy maps, usability testing, affinity maps, video and photo documentation, cultural probe kits, co-creation and participatory workshops, user journey and touch-points, shadowing and many more.

The goal of design research is to build empathy and understanding. It is about being able to pinpoint critical insight from the research methods, and celebrate the unique and peculiar; knowing that the rare or obscure observations can lead to new or interesting ideas. In addition, design research would allow a humanistic and creative approach to implementing evaluation processes while answering highly critical questions and adhering to international evaluation criteria.

Services include: Field research, impact assessment, qualitative research, facilitation, trends research.

Investigating Informal systems of transportation in Lebanon

Client: UNDP Lebanon
Year: 2022

Scaling and Strategizing the implementation of Learning Management System across the organization

Client: Internews Network
Year: 2023

Researching the usability of a digital learning guide

Client: Colearn
Year: 2020-2021

Conducted qualitative research to assess and evaluate the outcomes of the SI Advocacy Lab.

Client: Swedish Institute
Year: 2021

Conducted research to identify key global trends in online learning and leadership programs.

Clients: Swedish Institute
Year: 2021

Designed and facilitated a capacity building program for grassroots projects working on prototyping solutions for waste management.

Client: UNDP Lebanon
Year: 2019